Akk Pedigrees

Siblings of:
(M) May 26 2019, , CallName = ENDER
Altered = YES
PedigreeOnFile = V
CoatColor = GRAY/WHITE
RedFactor = UNKNOWN
CoatLength = STANDARD
Mask = FULL
EyeColor = BLUE/BLUE
Variety = STANDARD
LastKnownLocation = NORTH CAROLINA, US
5GenCOI = *
5GenUniqueTotalPossible = *
HealthTemperamentIssues = Anaphylactic reaction to multiple vaccines including Lepto. Fractured molar and extraction of multiple teeth. Extremely intelligent and curious and social. Adapts quickly to almost any situation.Doesn't seem to have prey drive toward smaller animals. Vocally expressive but not much of a barker. Prefers to not be left alone but not to point of separation anxiety.
Sire 'PR' ALATAH'S THEO   (M) Sep 19 2016, CallName=THEO, Altered=YES, PedigreeOnFile=VERIFIED, PedigreeNotes=9 PUPS NO DEGREES, CoatColor=GRAY/WHITE, CoatLength=STANDARD, EyeColor=BROWN/BROWN, EyeShape=ROUND, Breeder=DONNELL ARRINGTON, KennelName=UTAH'S OWN KLEE KAI, Owner=JEFF TWITTY, LastKnownLocation=TEXAS, US, 5GenCOI=*, 5GenUniqueTotalPossible=*
Dam 'PR' HEART OF TEXAS MORGAN   (F) Feb 15 2014, CallName=MORGAN, Altered=YES, PedigreeOnFile=VERIFIED, PedigreeNotes=NO PUPS NO DEGREES, CoatColor=BLACK/WHITE, CoatLength=STANDARD, EyeColor=BLUE/BLUE, Breeder=BARBARA MANLEY, KennelName=HEART OF TEXAS, Owner=BARBARA / MARK MANLEY, LastKnownLocation=TEXAS, US, 5GenCOI=*, 5GenUniqueTotalPossible=*
Full Siblings
  1. BINDY_NR   (F) Oct 09 2018, CallName=BINDY LOU, Altered=NO '22, CoatColor=BLACK/WHITE, CoatLength=STANDARD, Mask=1/2, EyeColor=BROWN/BROWN, EyeShape=ALMOND, Variety=STANDARD, Bite=SCISSOR, Breeder=JEFF TWITTY, KennelName=AUSTIN KLEE KAI, LastKnownLocation=TEXAS, US, 5GenCOI=*, 5GenUniqueTotalPossible=*